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Jerry's weblog

Ethan comes for a visit

It was great fun to have a visit from my grandson Ethan (and his parents) recently. He a busy boy, 15 months old, and just starting to talk. He had great fun throwing balls, playing his balloon, and eating spaghetti, as you can see. We had a great time watching him, and playing with him.

If you're a new visitor, welcome to my website!

This is my place to connect with you--the people I write for. So whether you're a kid or a grown-up, take a look around. Check out the books you haven't read.

If you're a kid, click the kids mode button. If you're older, then the grown-up mode is what you're looking for. In both places, you can find out if I'm visiting somewhere near you. Leave a comment on my weblog or send me an e-mail. Tell me what you think about a book you've read. If you find a book you're interested in-or one you think a kid you love would like-click on it and you'll find a way to order it.

Posted Sep 17, 2008 | 3:02 PM | Comments (0)

A Whole New Year

One of my favorite quotes comes from Spock of the Star Trek shows. "There are always possibilities," he says. This reminds me that there are always things that we haven't done before, always thoughts we haven't had before. Who knows what unique opportunities the coming days will bring?

I hope the new year before you is brimming with joy--and all sorts of possibilities!

If you're a new visitor, welcome to my website!

This is my place to connect with you--the people I write for. So whether you're a kid or a grown-up, take a look around. Check out the books you haven't read.

If you're a kid, click the kids mode button. If you're older, then the grown-up mode is what you're looking for. In both places, you can find out if I'm visiting somewhere near you. Leave a comment on my weblog or send me an e-mail. Tell me what you think about a book you've read. If you find a book you're interested in-or one you think a kid you love would like-click on it and you'll find a way to order it.

Posted Apr 16, 2008 | 12:44 PM | Comments (0)

My family grows

I can't resist having a favorite photo on my welcome page. We're so happy to share that our son Jeremy married Lyndsi Hersey this month. We love Lyndsi and we're delighted that she'll be part of the family from now on.

Posted Nov 21, 2007 | 3:00 PM | Comments (0)

Weddings make me tired

Kitty and I recently celebrated the wedding of our youngest son, Jeremy. Now all three of our kids are grown and married and that phase of our parenting is finished. Overall, the whole parenting experience has left me tired and older--about 27 years older. Actually, we're delighted with how our kids turned out and that they're all creating their own families and lives. The house has been growing quieter over the last few years, and now it is truly ours alone.

Party time!

Now if we can just remember how that works . . .

Posted Aug 20, 2007 | 9:52 AM | Comments (3)

Proud grandparents

Kitty and I with our grandson Ethan

Kitty and I with our grandson Ethan

Kitty and I really enjoyed meeting baby Ethan for the first time last month. Now we have to live on new photos and a web cam until we go visit again next month.

A grandchild is an ongoing illustration of the concept of unconditional love. You can look into those little eyes and know that even though the little tyke has never done anything for you, even though he or she doesn't even know who you are, you'd do anything for them. You'd "take a bullet" for them, as they say, without a second thought.

Maybe grandparents get a little glimpse into the nature of God every time we look into those little faces.

Posted Apr 28, 2007 | 4:57 PM | Comments (0)

The perfect person for me

Last weekend visited my old high school, Valley Grande Academy, for its 70th Alumni Weekend. It’s been 29 years since I graduated and I have a lot of great memories. I can truly say that VGA changed my life; because it was there that I met my wife, Kitty. It’s incredible to think of all the different things that had to happen for me and Kitty to be at that school at that time.

Looking back, I am amazed at God works things out. I don’t necessarily think that two people are destined to be together or that God made one person specifically for you, but I do believe that God knows each of us and when He looks at us, He sees the person we could be.

Like a parent, He wants you to find someone that will make you happy, make you a better person, and bring you closer to Him. God knew that I needed someone like Kitty to be my better half, to encourage me when I’m down, to always believe in me. And I am thankful everyday for His wisdom.

Take a look around you at the people in your life. Who did God bring into your world to help you become the amazing person that He created you to be?

Posted Apr 07, 2007 | 2:39 PM | Comments (0)

Everyday choices

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi

My wife and I recently traveled to Corpus Christi to visit a church there. It was a wonderful trip for me because it was a walk down memory lane. Corpus Christi is where we went on our honeymoon over 28 years ago. It got me thinking about all the twists and turns our lives had taken over the years and how we ended up where we are today. There are lots of choices we make in life, big and small. And the choices we make are what determine the people we become. You may be at a crossroads in your life and have to make a choice on what the next phase of your life is going to be. Or you may only be dealing with simple choices, like what to wear today. Regardless of what choice lies before you, I have learned the importance of leaning on the Lord as you make those decisions. So you wonder, what does God have to do with what I wear today? Well, simply think about what you’re wearing says about your lifestyle and your priorities. Is it important to you to have the latest styles and fashions? Do your clothes show respect for your body and its creator? Sometimes the correct choice is obvious, but still not easy to make. Do we ever actually stop and make a choice between going out to a nice restaurant for dinner or donating that money to help people who have no food? Even the simplest of choices speaks of your character and your relationship with God. So stop for a moment today and think about what your choices say about you and what they say about the God you claim to follow.

Posted Mar 23, 2007 | 7:51 AM | Comments (0)

Writer's Clinic at Jacksonville Adventist Academy

I had fun visiting with 3rd and 4th grade class at Jacksonville Adventist Academy.

I had fun visiting with 3rd and 4th grade class at Jacksonville Adventist Academy.

There's nothing nicer than a trip to Florida in February! The only thing better than the weather was the chance to spend a day with the kids at Jacksonville Adventist Academy. They have a Writer's Clinic every year and I had the privilege of being there to share some of the things I've learned about writing books and stories--plus I got to tell a few stories and read one of my books for the younger grades.

I also got to read some of the stories that students are writing. I want you to know that these kids are real writers! I was especially impressed with their creative ideas.

I want to say thanks to JAA principal David Gardner and writer's clinic coordinator Melojeane Zawilinski for inviting me and for making me feel right at home. Mrs. Z and each of the other teachers are doing a great job of teaching their students to write.

Best wishes for the rest of the school year, JAA. I hope to see you all again soon!

Posted Feb 27, 2007 | 10:07 PM | Comments (8)

Surprise skit!

Students from Hill Country Adventist Christian School perform a skit based on one of my Detective Zack books.

Students from Hill Country Adventist Christian School perform a skit based on one of my Detective Zack books.

Recently, I attended a spelling bee for five schools in the Austin, San Marcos, San Antonio (TX) area. I was very impressed with the spelling skills of all the students. Then the students from grades 3-8 at the Hill Country Adventist School in Kerrville surprised me with a skit from one of my books! They performed a scene from Detective Zack and the Mystery on the Midway. They did such a great job I wanted to share this photo of them on my website. Thanks also to their teacher, Ms. Brendia Bennett, for introducing them to my books.

Posted Feb 14, 2007 | 5:10 PM | Comments (0)

A sweet note from some of my favorite little people

I received this nice note from the Kindergarten and 1st grade class at the Bentonville School after my visit there:

Thank you for taking the time to visit our classroom and for sharing so much with us. You inspired us to do more with our reading and writing, and we especially enjoyed listening to you read one of the books you have written. God used you to teach us and to bless us. Thanks so much for sharing with us!

With love,

Mrs. Harris and your friends from the Kindergarten and 1st Grade Class, Bentonville Adventist School

Posted Feb 03, 2007 | 11:40 PM | Comments (0)

Writer’s Day in Maryland

Did I ever have a great time at the writer’s day in Maryland! With more than 100 kids from seven different schools gathered together at the Review & Herald Publishing Association in Hagerstown, it was a busy day. Groups of about 20 kids rotated through the room where I talked about writing. Writing is like building a house, I told them. Want to know how? Maybe I’ll come to your school and I can tell you all about it.

Posted Feb 03, 2007 | 8:49 PM | Comments (5)

Am I at your school?

My new friend Karim came by to say

My new friend Karim came by to say "hi" at the teacher's convention in Nashville.

Have you gone back to school yet? I thought I was back in school when I went to the big convention in Nashville last week. All of the Adventist teachers across the whole country were there! And every one of them got a copy of my new book, What We Believe. Many of the teachers told me how they use my books in their classrooms, either reading the stories out loud for worship or making you read them for homework.

If my books are used in your school, leave me a message and tell me how. I’d like to know what your teachers are doing.

I did get to meet new friends at the teachers’ meeting, including Karim (in photo), who was nice enough to stop for a photo with me while I was signing books.

Posted Aug 12, 2006 | 12:58 PM | Comments (1)

Writing with Earliteens

I was at the big ASI convention in Grapevine, Texas recently and I got to spend some time with the Earliteens. Part of their program that weekend was learning more about some ways to work for God. While some kids learned about Christian story telling, personal witnessing, Scripture memorization, and other things, I spoke to my group about Christian story writing. I passed on a few of the things I’ve learned and answered some questions about writing.

I was really impressed with some of the great ideas I heard. I hope that someday I’ll see books and stories written by some of the Earliteens I met.

Posted Aug 12, 2006 | 12:56 PM | Comments (0)

Flood at my house

Water from a heavy rainstorm rises on my street.

Water from a heavy rainstorm rises on my street.

We haven’t had much rain this summer where I live. But one day earlier this month, we had a real thunderstorm. The lightning flashed close enough the make the lights in the house flicker on and off and the thunder was so loud it made me jump! But was really amazing was how hard it rained. It poured down so hard that our street turned into a river! Check out this picture of the water racing by the front of my house. I’m glad my house is up high enough that the water didn’t come into my house.

What about you? Has your house ever been flooded during a storm? Does your family have a plan for floods or tornados or hurricanes?

Posted Jul 31, 2006 | 7:38 AM | Comments (0)

Oklahoma camp meeting

Einstein the dog rests on the floor of the auditorium at the Oklahoma camp meeting.

Einstein the dog rests on the floor of the auditorium at the Oklahoma camp meeting.

At Oklahoma camp meeting, I met a lot of old friends at the bookstore and at the big book sale in the auditorium. Of course, most of my old friends are not really that old—they go to the primary and junior meetings and read the Shoebox Kids and Detective Zack books. But I met someone new at the book sale who had never read one of my books. In fact, he hasn’t read even one book in his whole life! It was Einstein, the camp dog. He came into the auditorium because it was hot outside and he wanted to lie down on the cool cement.

Posted Jul 31, 2006 | 7:37 AM | Comments (0)
